Author Affiliations
1 School of Biomedical Engineering (Suzhou), Division of Life Sciences and Medicine, University of Science and Technology of China Hefei 230041, P. R. China
2 Suzhou Institute of Biomedical Engineering and Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Suzhou, Jiangsu 215163, P. R. China
Light-sheet fluorescence microscopy (LSFM) has been widely used to image the three-dimensional (3D) structures and functions of various millimeter-size bio-specimen such as zebrafish. However, the sample adsorption and scattering cause shading of the light-sheet illumination, preventing the even 3D image of thick samples. Herein, we report a continuous-rotational light-sheet microscope (CR-LSM) that enables simultaneous 3D bright-field and fluorescence imaging. With a high-accuracy rotational stage, CR-LSM records the outline projections and the fluorescent images of the sample at multiple rotation angles. Then, 3D morphology and fluorescent structure were reconstructed with a developed algorithm. Using CR-LSM, zebrafish’s whole-fish contour and blood vessel structures were obtained simultaneously.
Light-sheet microscope zebrafish blood vessels morphology 
Journal of Innovative Optical Health Sciences
2024, 17(2): 2350022
1 重庆交通大学 交通运输学院, 重庆400074
2 同济大学 道路与交通工程教育部重点实验室, 上海01804
针对自动驾驶三维建图中存在的建图不准确以及位姿飘移的问题,利用激光雷达里程计消除惯性测量单元(Inertial Measurement Unit, nIMU)累计误差并通过IMU预积分去除激光雷达点云畸变,形成激光雷达与IMU的紧耦合建图系统;通过增加回环检测因子、激光雷达里程计因子以及IMU预积分因子进行后端图优化,旨在提升定位建图的全局一致性,减小位姿估计误差,降低累计漂移误差。最后,在学校园区实地场景以及利用开源数据集KITTI进行实验验证,实验表明,在选取的学校园区实地场景下,改进算法APE误差均值相较于原算法降低了11.04%,APE均方根误差较于原算法降低了17.35%;改进算法在KITTI数据集场景下平均APE误差下降了10.04%,均方误差方面相较于原算法平均下降了12.04%。研究结果表明,改进的建图方法能够有效提高建图的位姿估计精度与地图构建精度。
激光雷达 自动驾驶 同步定位与建图 传感器融合 lidar automatic driving synchronous positioning and mapping sensor fusion 
光学 精密工程
2024, 32(3): 422
吴寅 1,2梁永 1,2张洁 2李辉 1,2,*
1 中国科学技术大学生物医学工程学院(苏州),生命科学与医学部,江苏 苏州 215163
2 中国科学院苏州生物医学工程技术研究所,江苏省医用光学重点实验室,江苏 苏州 215163
乳腺癌病理诊断 荧光原位杂交 结构光照明超分辨成像 图像拼接 
2024, 61(4): 0411009
Dawei Yuan 1,2,*Shaojun Wang 3,7Huigang Wei 1Haochen Gu 3,7[ ... ]Jie Zhang 3,4,6,*
Author Affiliations
1 Key Laboratory of Optical Astronomy, National Astronomical Observatories, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China
2 Institute of Frontiers in Astronomy and Astrophysics of Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China
3 Beijing National Laboratory for Condensed Matter Physics, Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China
4 Key Laboratory for Laser Plasmas (MOE) and School of Physics and Astronomy, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China
5 Department of Astronomy, Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China
6 Collaborative Innovation Center of IFSA, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, China
7 School of Physical Sciences, University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China
8 Songshan Lake Materials Laboratory, Dongguan, China
The velocity interferometer system for any reflector (VISAR) coupled with a streaked optical pyrometer (SOP) system is used as a diagnostic tool in inertial confinement fusion (ICF) experiments involving equations of state and shock timing. To validate the process of adiabatically compressing the fuel shell through precise tuning of shocks in experimental campaigns for the double-cone ignition (DCI) scheme of ICF, a compact line-imaging VISAR with an SOP system is designed and implemented at the Shenguang-II upgrade laser facility. The temporal and spatial resolutions of the system are better than 30 ps and 7 μm, respectively. An illumination lens is used to adjust the lighting spot size matching with the target size. A polarization beam splitter and λ/4 waveplate are used to increase the transmission efficiency of our system. The VISAR and SOP work at 660 and 450 nm, respectively, to differentiate the signals from the scattered lights of the drive lasers. The VISAR can measure the shock velocity. At the same time, the SOP system can give the shock timing and relative strength. This system has been used in different DCI campaigns, where the generation and propagation processes of multi-shock are carefully diagnosed.
double-cone ignition streaked optical pyrometer velocity interferometer system for any reflector 
High Power Laser Science and Engineering
2024, 12(1): 010000e6
Author Affiliations
The key Laboratory of Optoelectronic Technology & System (Ministry of Education), Chongqing University, Chongqing 400044, China
In this study, we present a dual-Fizeau-interferometer-based high-speed and wide-range fiber-optic Fabry-Perot (F-P) demodulation system. We employ two Fizeau interferometers with air cavity thickness satisfying the quadrature requirement to increase the demodulation speed and broaden the demodulation range in order to address the issues of the existing fiber F-P demodulation system’s sluggish demodulation rate and limited range. In order to investigate the demodulation properties of the dual-Fizeau-interferometer-based demodulation system, we derive and create a theoretical model of the system. The theoretical model, which primarily consists of the structural design of the interferometer and the study of the center wavelength of the light sources and their bandwidth selection, is used to construct the optical structure of the demodulation system. According to the calculation results, the demodulated signal exhibits the best contrast ratio when the two light sources’ respective center wavelengths are 780 nm and 850 nm, and their bandwidths are 28 nm and 30 nm. Finally, we finish evaluating the demodulation system’s demodulation performance, parameter calibration, and assembly debugging. The test results demonstrate the constant operation of the demodulation system, an update rate of 100 kHz, a demodulation range of 4.74 μm, and a cavity length resolution of approximately 5 nm. Additionally, the system can perform high speed demodulation thanks to the light emitting diode’s (LED’s) nanosecond level switching speed and the usage of a single point detector.
Fiber-optic Fabry-Perot sensor Fizeau interferometer LED optical path difference quadrature requirement 
Photonic Sensors
2023, 13(2): 230229
上海理工大学 光电信息与计算机工程学院,上海 200093
近年来,样本较少场景下的目标检测引起了广泛的关注。由于少样本提供的信息有限,大部分少样本目标检测模型采用改进的Faster RCNN检测框架进行研究。但由于Faster RCNN框架中潜在的模块矛盾问题,现有的少样本目标检测模型的特征捕捉和分类的能力有待提高。为解决以上问题,以Faster RCNN框架为基础,加入了梯度反传解耦机制,缓解在反向传播过程中,RPN和RCNN的冲突对主干网络的负面影响。为提高目标检测模型的特征捕捉能力,采用元学习框架,并融合基于注意力机制的蒸馏模块和多尺度注意力模块,充分利用查询集和支持集的信息,捕捉更多全局特征信息。大量的实验证明,在随机采样目标数k=1, 2, 3, 5, 10设置下,改进后的模型在Pascal VOC数据集的新类上,分别达到21.8%,34.7%,40.9%,44.5%,51.7% mAP(AP50)。在k = 10, 30设置下,改进后的模型在COCO数据集的新类上,分别达到25.1%,27.6% mAP(AP50)。
深度学习 少样本学习 目标检测 deep learning few-shot learning object detection 
2023, 45(6): 14
云南北方奥雷德光电科技股份有限公司, 云南昆明 650223
叠层有机发光二极管(Organic Light-Emitting Diode, OLED)白光器件具备低功耗、高亮度、高色域等性能优势。然而, 由于效率、寿命及驱动电压等性能仍有较大改进空间, 叠层结构的材料及电学结构仍需进一步优化。本文重点介绍叠层 OLED白光器件的最新研究进展, 总结了三类电荷产生层(Charge Generation Layer, CGL)在工程化应用中存在的问题以及其非破坏性检测方法; 综述高效叠层 OLED白光器件的“全磷光体系”、“并行通道激子收集”及“混合磷光热活性型延迟荧光(Thermally Activated Delayed Fluorescence, TADF)体系”最新研究成果, 对器件寿命问题进行总结, 探讨分析“分级掺杂”、“四色混合 TADF体系”等从结构方面提出优化方案, 并针对不同发光材料体系中的 CGL材料及结构综述叠层 OLED白光器件实现较低工作电压的技术方法, 最后对叠层 OLED白光器件的材料和结构提出改进建议。
叠层白光有机发光二极管 电荷产生层 有机发光单元 功能层结构 有机发光材料 tandem white OLEDs, CGL, Emitting Layer unit, func 
2023, 45(11): 1141
1 中原工学院电子信息学院,河南郑州 450007
2 郑州大学计算机与人工智能学院,河南郑州 450001
红外与可见光图像融合可以生成包含更多信息的图像,比原始图像更符合人类视觉感知也有利于下游任务的进行。传统的基于信号处理的图像融合方法存在泛化能力不强、处理复杂图片融合性能下降等问题。深度学习有很强的特征提取能力,其生成的结果较好,但结果中存在纹理细节信息保存少、图像模糊的问题。针对这一问题,文中提出一种基于多尺度 Swin-transformer和注意力机制的红外与可见光图像融合网络模型。Swin-transformer可以在多尺度视角下提取长距离语义信息,注意力机制可以将所提特征中的不重要特征弱化,保留主要信息。此外本文提出了一种新的混合特征聚合模块,针对红外和可见光图像各自的特点分别设计了亮度增强模块和细节保留模块,有效保留更多的纹理细节和红外目标信息。该融合方法包括编码器、特征聚合和解码器三部分。首先,将源图像输入编码器,提取多尺度深度特征;然后,设计特征聚合融合每个尺度的深度特征;最后,采用基于嵌套连接的解码器重构融合后的图像。在公开数据集上的实验结果表明本文提出的方法对比其他先进的方法具有更好的融合性能。其中在客观评价指标中 EI、AG、QP、EN、SD指标达到最优。从主观感受上,所提红外和可见光图像融合方法能够使结果中保留更多的边缘细节。
图像融合 红外和可见光图像 特征聚合 注意力机制 image fusion, infrared and visible light images, S Swin-transformer 
2023, 45(7): 721
西安交通大学 微电子学院, 西安 710049
设计了一种基于高阶温度补偿与内建负反馈稳压技术的带隙基准, 所设计的带隙基准具有低温漂和高PSRR的优点。通过采用两对工作在亚阈值区的MOS管, 根据不同工作温度分段产生指数型补偿电流, 形成高阶温度补偿, 降低了带隙基准的温度系数。基于带隙基准输出电压, 通过内建负反馈稳压电路, 提高了带隙基准的电源抑制能力。基于Dongbu 0.18 μm BCD工艺, 完成了低温漂高PSRR带隙基准的设计、版图绘制和后仿真验证。带隙基准的版图面积为290 μm×200 μm。后仿真结果表明, 所设计的带隙基准在-45~125 ℃范围内温度系数仅为1.15×10-6/℃, 电源抑制比为83.22 dB; 在2.8~5.5 V电源电压变化下, 基准电压的平均值为1.212 V, 线性调整率为0.015%。
带隙基准 高阶温度补偿 温度系数 电源抑制比 bandgap reference high-order temperature compensation temperature coefficient power supply rejection ratio 
2023, 53(5): 779
重庆大学光电工程学院光电技术及系统教育部重点实验室,重庆 400044
为了进一步提升传统金属纳米结构表面增强拉曼散射(SERS)衬底的检测灵敏度和均匀性,提出了银修饰开放纳米腔多孔阳极氧化铝模板(AAO)复合结构的SERS新衬底,利用AgNPs(Ag nanoparticles)表面的局域表面等离子共振效应、银纳米粒子之间的热点效应,以及AAO结构的开放纳米腔的腔增强效应,实现了高灵敏度分子检测。采用液-液界面自组装方法将AgNPs修饰到AAO腔体中;利用FDTD(finite difference time domain)仿真软件对结构的电磁场分布特性进行了研究;开展了系统的拉曼测试实验,实验结果表明:相较于传统SiO2-AgNPs衬底,AAO-AgNPs的拉曼光谱强度提高了4.7倍;以R6G(rhodamine 6G)为探针分子,AAO-AgNPs衬底的最大分析增强因子约为2.38×1010,检测极限可达10-16 mol/L;此外,实验验证了该复合结构的多分子检测功能。
表面光学 表面增强拉曼散射 银纳米颗粒 阳极氧化铝模板 复合结构 
2023, 43(23): 2324001

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